Friday, May 9, 2008

Conference Calls Business Solutions

Conference calling is probably the most efficient way to setup a meeting between businesspeople following a hectic schedule. Not everyone could spare the time to drive up to this place just to meet everybody he needs to talk to. A conference call is maybe what you need if you want to speak with different people in different places.

More and more businesses are going global and setting up a conference call among the major players in the business is the most cost and time efficient mode of communication. Even ordinary individuals could also take advantage of conference calling. Most instant messenger applications online provide free conference calls to their members.

There are actually a lot of conference call alternatives you can choose from. For companies regularly conducting meetings, an operator assisted conference call may be more beneficial. For those organizations that tend have spontaneous conferences, instant call conferencing could be the best choice.

Most companies who offer call conferencing services also have several value adding options you can avail of such as roll calling. The participants? names will be announced as they enter the conference call. There are also those that conduct some sort of question and answer portion after the call.

Another popular feature in conference calls is recording the call. This is most useful to people who were not able to join the call but need to know what has been discussed. Also, you can benefit from this feature if you would want to listen to the call again to refresh your memory.

If you prefer to use visual presentations such as slideshows or movies, you might want to try a web based conference call instead. There are times when you can better get your point across with the help of visual materials. Visual conferencing indeed provides better options to conference callers using more advanced tools.

However, these are more expensive than the ordinary audio conferencing. Also, you would need a lot of equipment for a smooth sailing conferencing. In web conference calls, all participants need to have all the necessary software and networking capabilities installed in their computers.

Aside from that, visual conference calls pose several concerns such as malfunctioning of streaming camera services due to an internet connection issue. Several other potential problems could also arise, especially if the participants are not that familiar with the sophisticated tools used in the conference call.

John Furnem is a dot com veteran, specializing in human resources and work psychology he has written articles about stress management and business themes. John currently writes about the business conference call market and conference calls strategies, especially the new age of calling, the Conference Calls Basics at

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