Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Free Web Conference Calling Solutions Save You Money And Allow You To Conduct Conference Calls

The World Wide Web has changed the face of how the world lives and not just with free web conferencing calling. For instance, want a date? Head over to the Internet, looking for movie reviews before plopping down seven bucks on a matinee? Rotten Tomatoes probably has just what you're looking for. You don't even have to brave the winding Thanksgiving Eve lines at the supermarket anymore, just order your groceries online via Peapod. And if the web is helping you keep money from flying out of your pocket while indulging in life's little guilty pleasures, it is also helping you save time and money on the expenses related to business travel. Just look at the influence of web conference software on the business world and check out how you can find it for free!

What Is Web Conferencing?

Sure, jet-setting it around the globe in the name of closing the deal can be exciting, but on whose dime? Web conferencing is an ever expanding system of holding group meeting and other types of presentations over the Net. Getting it's start back in the early nineteen nineties, web conferencing used to refer to those not so private business dealing that took place on a message board. Today, web conferencing refers to live messages, as well as those placed on a forum or bulletin board. Think of the old-fashioned telephone conference with a new age spin and web conference software helps make it all happen.

The History of Web Conferencing Software

It was the late nineties and, as usual, Microsoft was on the forefront of founding everything in innovation. The Microsoft Company designed the first web conference software program with NetMeeting. And since the market for web conferencing was expanding, a number of software companies followed suit, coming up with an impressive display of virtual conferencing programs turning modern day business topsy-turvy. Some companies that began to develop web conference software included Oracle, Global Services, Macromedia, Interwise, GoToMeeting, Cisco, Elluminate and Placewire, which was snatched up by Microsoft in late 2006 in their effort to begin phasing out NetMeeting.

How Web Conferencing Works

Have you ever wished that you could just show up at your next business meeting in flip-flops and the old Yankees jersey that you wear as a nightshirt? Well, now you can. During a web conference, participants sit down at their computer and wait to be connected to the other participants through the help of the Internet. That's where web conferencing kicks in; each meeting member is able to observe what is on the presenters screen as a result of the screen-sharing component of web conference software. The really stand out feature about screen sharing is that it can be programmed for voice or text which really adds to the feel of a real business meeting.

Free Web Conference Calling Solutions

New age free web conference calling solutions sport the unique feature of letting someone else foot the bill so that you don't have to. There are a number of conferencing programs that offer free trials followed by discounted membership. And then there's the sleek sophistication of programs like Skype that offers sporty features like web conference calls, high-speed conferencing and voicemail at a very affordable price. For example, how does free sound to you? Some other web conference calling programs with free features are GoToMeeting, Meet Me Now, GoMeetNow, Marratech, Microsoft' Office Live Meeting.

Features of Web Conference Software

The convenience is just half of the attraction of web conference software, the features are also an added perk. Web conference software features include PowerPoint and other slide presentations, spreadsheet and file sharing, text messaging, voice conferencing, polls and surveys.

For more ways to save money and improve the communication and efficiency of your business with free web conference calling try visiting where you will quickly and easily find information on web conference calling, audio conference calling and video conference calling.

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